Need funds for your business? Get a boost with a business loan! Whether you're starting up, expanding, or covering expenses, we've got you covered. With competitive rates and flexible repayment options, our loans are tailored to your needs. Our friendly team is here to guide you through the process, making it easy and stress-free. Take your business to the next level with our business loans today!

A company embarking on a major project, such as infrastructural improvements, the construction of a factory, or expanding into new markets, may require more funding to achieve its goals. Chintamani Finlease comes to the rescue in such situations.


Documents required

  • Last three year’s income tax return.
  • Last three months' bank statement.
  • KYC documents as requested.
  • Electricity bill (private property) or rent agreement (rented property)

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Eligibility criteria

Before applying for a loan, you must check over the following qualifying criteria:

  • The applicant's age must be 23 and above.
  • Your business must have been in operation for at least three years.
  • Business turnover must be audited by a certified chartered accountant to ensure positive cash flow from activities.


The benefits of applying for a Business Loan with Chintamani Finlease Limited.

  1. No collateral required: The benefit associated with an online personal loan is that it is unsecured in nature.
  2. Low CIBIL funding: Chintamani demonstrates its willingness to be a faithful friend to all of its customers, promising not to abandon them in their time of need by providing loans to those with poor CIBIL scores.
  3. Minimum paperwork: The verification and documentation procedure has become more efficient, with only a few documents required for approval.
  4. Easy and quick approval: The procedure has gone digital, which has resulted in a reduction in verification time.
  5. Multipurpose in nature. : It is multifunctional and used for various purposes except for investing and criminal activities.
  6. Fast assistance. : Personal loan approval is a quick and painless procedure. For any problems, complaints, or feedback, please contact us at
  7. Customer needs at the forefront: We aim to provide you with the most personalized experience by handpicking personal loan options based on the client profile. All of our services are provided at no cost to our consumers.
  8. Trust and reliability: With years of experience in the financial industry, Chintamani Finlease has earned a reputation for trust and reliability. Count on us to provide you with dependable financial solutions that meet your needs and exceed your expectations. 
  9. Security and confidentiality: We prioritize the security and confidentiality of your personal information. Rest assured that your data is safe with us, and we adhere to strict privacy standards to protect your privacy.